About Me

I hold an MS degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (1992), an MS degree in Philosophy from the University of Navarre (1996), and a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from the Carlos III University of Madrid (2003).

I am currently an Associate Professor of Software Engineering in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the Carlos III University of Madrid. My main research subjects, within the Knowledge Reuse Group and in close cooperation with The Reuse Company, are models and modeling languages in software engineering, requirements engineering, and philosophy of information systems.

Since December 2020 till February 2023 I have been scientific co-director at Global Knowledge Academics of the International Conference on Technology, Science and Society and the associated TECHNO Review journal (see in Scopus).

I run a popular science site on philosophy of technology (in Spanish): De máquinas e intenciones.

You can contact me at ggenova YOU-KNOW-WHAT inf.uc3m.es.

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